Short Answers

When you open the quiz maker, the first thing you'll see is the 'Add Question' button. This button is like your magic wand to start making your own quiz. One click, and you'll see a simple quiz layout appear.

Your job is to make this basic layout your own. You start by changing the type of question to 'Short Answer'. When you do this, the system automatically makes a new design for your question.

You get to add your own question and if you want, you can check the 'Question/Options Editor' box. Checking this box lets you make your quiz more fun by adding things like pictures to your questions or answers.

Next up is the 'Answer Information' button. This is a secret spot where only the system and you, the teacher, can see what you type. Even after the quiz is done, the students can't see this information.

You can make your quiz really shine by adding pictures, adding media, giving points to different answers, including notes just for you, the teacher, and even writing in more details. All of these things help make the quiz a unique and effective learning tool.

To make sure you don't lose your work, remember to save often. It's also a good idea to check out your quiz before you share it with your students, to make sure it looks right. This lets you fix any mistakes or problems before the quiz goes live.

Single Answer

Upon landing on the quiz creation page, you will first notice an add question button. Clicking on it will initiate the quiz creation process presenting you with a default ‘Single Answer’ quiz layout.


By default, the system has pre-set the question type to ‘single answer’, along with an automatic allocation of one point for each question.


The system also establishes the placeholder for the question and for possible answers. The placeholder question labelled “enter your question here 0” signifies that it is editable upon clicking, the same editibility applies to the answer choices.


Furthermore, the system has automatically assigned the correct answer to option one. You’ll need to adjust this based on the correct answer to your question.


In addition to these features, there is a “question/options editor” option. Activating this function allows you to enhance your quiz by incorporating images into your questions or answer choices.


Next, next that the score individual option feature allows you to assign varied point values to different options, offering flexibility in grading.


There’s also an answer information button. Any details added through this button will be visible exclusively to the teacher. This information won’t be accessible to the students even post quiz completion.


For each answer option you’ll notice clone/add/delete icons. These tools empower you to add multiple options, remove unnecessary ones or duplicate existing options.


Lastly, each option is accompanied by a checkbox labelled show detailed description, checking this box and including any text image or media. It will result in the content being displayed on the Preview page.

Multiple Textboxes

When you get into the quiz-maker tool, the first thing you'll spot is a button that says 'Add Question'. Think of it like a starting gun for making an awesome quiz. Click that button to get things rolling.

A standard layout will appear, which is normally used for a question with just one answer. But we're looking to make an 'Multiple Textboxes' question, so some changes are needed. Look for a menu that says 'Question Type', and pick ‘Multiple Textboxes’ from the options.

As soon as you pick 'Multiple Textboxes', the tool will quickly change the look of the question setup. Instead of just one spot to put an answer, you'll now see four places for ‘Labels’ and four spots for ‘Answers’. These are made just for the 'Multiple Textboxes' type of question.

Your next move is to write your question in the box that has 'Enter your question here 0' written in it. This is a clue that it's for you to write in, so you can put your own question here. The same goes for the ‘Label’ and ‘Answer’ boxes. Fill these in with the Labels that you need your students to answer.

Let's move onto some more fancy stuff. A neat feature is the 'Question/Options Editor'. When you turn this on, you can add stuff like pictures to your questions or answers.

For 'Multiple Textboxes’ questions, the tool sorts out a key detail. It flicks on the 'Score Individual Option' feature by itself. This means you can give different points for different ‘labels’ since they each have different answers.

The 'Answer Information' button is a secret spot where only you and the tool can see what you write. Even after students finish the quiz, they can't see this info.

The tool also offers you Clone/Add/Delete buttons for every answer choice. These let you mess around with the options for each question, like adding more, getting rid of some, or copying the ones you've got.

All these features help you to make a top-notch quiz. You can add pictures, media, different points, teacher notes, and more details. Plus, the ability to clone, add, or delete options means the tool is really flexible and user-friendly.

Remember to save your work often so you don't lose anything. It's also smart to check out your quiz before you let students see it. This means you can find and fix any errors or issues.


When you start the quiz maker, you'll first see the 'Add Question' button. This is your key to start building your own quiz. With a single click, you'll see a basic layout for a quiz with one right answer.

Then, it's up to you to change this layout to suit what you need. Start off by changing the question type to ‘Dropdown’. When you do this, you'll see the system automatically creates a new setup for your question, complete with four possible answers.

Then you'll see a spot to put your question, labeled 'Enter your question here 0', which shows you that you can type in it. Clicking on this spot lets you start putting in your own information, and you can do the same with the answer choices.

But remember, the system automatically says that the first option is the right one. You'll need to change this based on the actual right answer for your question.

Next up, we'll look at the more advanced options the system offers. One of these is the 'Question/Options Editor'. If you turn this on, you can add cool extras to your quiz like pictures in your questions or answers.

There's also the 'Score Individual Option' feature, which lets you give different points for different answer choices. This lets you grade in a more detailed way.

Don't forget about the 'Answer Information' button. Anything you put in here is only seen by the system and you, the teacher, even after the quiz is done.

Plus, the system gives you Clone/Add/Delete buttons for each answer choice. These powerful tools let you change the options for each question - whether you want more options, need to get rid of some, or want to duplicate the ones you have.

You can really make your quiz shine by adding pictures, media, individual scores, teacher-specific notes, and detailed descriptions. All these features work together to create a unique and effective learning tool.

Plus, being able to clone, add, or delete options makes the tool more flexible, and it's easier to deal with complicated questions with many possible answers.

To make sure you don't lose your hard work, remember to save often. It's also a good idea to preview your quiz before you share it with your students. This lets you catch and fix any mistakes or problems before the quiz is given.

Multiple Answer

When you open up our quiz maker, you'll first see a button that says 'Add Question'. This is your starting point for creating a fun, interactive quiz. With just one click, you'll get a basic template for a quiz question with a single right answer.

Your job is to make this basic template fit your needs. Start by changing the question type to 'Multiple Answer'. When you do this, the system will automatically set up a new question for you, along with four possible answers.

You'll notice a spot labeled 'Enter your question here 0'. This is where you can type in your question. You'll find it's easy to do, and you can do the same with the answer choices.

But don't forget, the system automatically gives 0 points for each question. You need to change this to give points to the correct answer or answers.

Next, let's look at the more advanced features of the tool. One cool feature is the 'Question/Options Editor'. When you turn this on, you can add things like pictures to your questions or answers.

For 'Multiple Answer' questions, the tool takes care of one important detail. It automatically turns on the 'Score Individual Option' feature. This lets you give different points for different answers, making grading more detailed.

The 'Answer Information' button is a special spot where only you and the system can see what you type. Even after students finish the quiz, they can't see this information.

The tool also gives you Clone/Add/Delete buttons for each answer choice. This lets you change the options for each question, whether you want to add more, delete some, or copy the ones you have.

Finally, there's a cool feature you might find handy. Each option has a checkbox labeled 'Show detailed description'. When you check this box and add any extra text, image, or media, you'll see it all on the preview page.

All these features help you make a really good quiz. You can add pictures, media, different points, teacher notes, and more details. Plus, being able to clone, add, or delete options makes the tool more flexible and easy to use.

Don't forget to save your work often so you don't lose anything. It's also a good idea to preview your quiz before you share it with students. This lets you catch and fix any mistakes or problems.

Create & Manage Quizzes

Hi there! In today's tutorial, we'll guide you on how to create and manage quizzes in our online platform. First, navigate to the dashboard. Look for the 'Quizzes' option in the side menu and click on it. This will bring you to the quizzes page. Here, you will see two tabs, 'Quizzes' and 'Assigned Quizzes'. 'Assigned quizzes' are those which are currently in use and have been assigned to students as part of their assessments or batches.

On the top right corner of the page, there's a 'Add Plus' Icon. By clicking this, you can create a new quiz. This will take you to the quiz creation page. You'll see different settings on the left, and the quiz structure will appear on the right.

Let's start by adding some questions. Our platform offers different question types like Single Answer, Multiple Answer, Drop-down, Short Answer, Multiple Text Boxes, and Exact Answers. Choose the type that best suits your needs.

For instance, if you choose 'Single Answer', you can add a question with four default options. You can then set labels for these options. Enabling the 'Question/Options Editor' checkbox will allow you to include images in the question and options. If you enable 'Score Individual Option', you can assign different scores to each option.

In case of 'Short Answer' type, you can add the question and, if desired, enable the 'Question/Options Editor' checkbox. This gives the student an editor for their answer. This feature is also useful if you want to add any images or videos in the question.